Package ch.epfl.scapetoad

Class Summary
ActionExportAsSvg This class is an action performed on a Export as SVG event.
ActionLayerAdd This class is an action performed on an add layer event.
ActionLayerRemove This class is an action performed on a remove layer event.
ActionLayerSave This class is an action performed on a save layer event.
ActionQuit This class is an action performed on a quit event.
ActionShowHelp This class is an action performed on a quit event.
AppContext This class contains some application wide attributes.
Cartogram The cartogram class is the main computation class.
CartogramFeature Represents a basic feature from the Jump package, but with a couple of additional methods useful for the cartogram project.
CartogramGastner This class implements Gastner's diffusion algorithm.
CartogramGrid The cartogram grid class represents the grid which is overlaid on all the layers and which is used for the deformation computation.
CartogramWizard The cartogram wizard guiding the user through the process of cartogram creation.
Geometry Contains some static methods for geometrical computations.
IOManager The input/output manager reads and writes all the files for our application.
MainMenu The main menu of the ScapeToad application.
MainWindow The main window of the ScapeToad application.
SizeErrorLegend The size error legend window.
SizeErrorStyle The SizeErrorStyle produces the thematic map based on the SizeError attribute.