ActionExportAsSvg - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on a Export as SVG event.
ActionExportAsSvg() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionExportAsSvg
ActionLayerAdd - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on an add layer event.
ActionLayerAdd() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerAdd
ActionLayerRemove - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on a remove layer event.
ActionLayerRemove() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerRemove
ActionLayerSave - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on a save layer event.
ActionLayerSave() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerSave
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionExportAsSvg
This method is automatically called after a export as SVG event.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerAdd
Shows an open dialog and adds the selected Shape file to the layer manager.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerRemove
Removes the selected layer from the layer manager.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerSave
This method is automatically called after a save layer event.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionQuit
Terminates ScapeToad.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionShowHelp
Opens the browser and points it to the ScapeToad help web site.
ActionQuit - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on a quit event.
ActionQuit() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionQuit
ActionShowHelp - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class is an action performed on a quit event.
ActionShowHelp() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionShowHelp
addAttribute(Layer, String, AttributeType) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Adds a new attribute to an existing layer.
addColor(BasicStyle) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
addDensityAttribute(Layer, String, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Adds a new attribute containing the density value for a given attribute.
addLimit(Double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
AppContext - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class contains some application wide attributes.
AppContext() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
areaOfQuadrangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Geometry
Computes the area of an irregular quadrangle defined by the points A(ax, ay), B(bx, by), C(cx, cy) and D(dx, dy).
areaOfTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Geometry
Computes the area of the triangle defined by the points A(ax, ay), B(bx, by) and C(cx, cy).


Cartogram - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The cartogram class is the main computation class.
CartogramFeature - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
Represents a basic feature from the Jump package, but with a couple of additional methods useful for the cartogram project.
CartogramFeature() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
CartogramGastner - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
This class implements Gastner's diffusion algorithm.
CartogramGastner(CartogramGrid) - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
The constructor takes the cartogram grid which contains the density values.
CartogramGrid - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The cartogram grid class represents the grid which is overlaid on all the layers and which is used for the deformation computation.
CartogramLayer - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
CartogramLayer() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
cartogramWizard - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The cartogram wizard.
CartogramWizard - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The cartogram wizard guiding the user through the process of cartogram creation.
CartogramWizard() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
The default constructor for the wizard.
ch.epfl.scapetoad - package ch.epfl.scapetoad
cleanAttributeValues(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Checks the attribute values for invalid values and replaces them with a zero value.
clone() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
compute(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
Starts the cartogram computation using the given grid size.
computeCartogramSizeError(Layer, String, Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the cartogram size error and stores it in the layer's attribute with the provided name.
computeOriginalDensityValuesWithLayer(Layer, String, boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Computes the density value given a layer and an attribute name.
conformToConstrainedDeformation() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Corrects the grid for corresponding the constrained deformation information computed by the prepareGridForConstrainedDeformation method.
construct() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
The construct method is an overriden method from SwingWorker which does initiate the computation process.
contour(Layer) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the contour of this layer.
coordinateXForOriginalCellIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Converts a grid cell index in x direction into real world x coordinate.
coordinateYForOriginalCellIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Converts a grid cell index in y direction into real world y coordinate.
copyFeatureSchema(FeatureSchema) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Creates a new FeatureSchema using the provided FeatureSchema.
copyrightNotice - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The copyright notice.


DEBUG - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
Setting the debug flag enables the output of console messages for debugging purposes.
doAction() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionExportAsSvg
Writes the currently selected layers into a SVG file.
doAction() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.ActionLayerSave
Writes the currently selected layer into a Shape file.


enableMenus() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainMenu
Enables/disables the menu items.
envelope() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the grid's bounding box.
erf(double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
Our wrapper function for the Jakarta Commons Math Erf.erf function.
estimateMaximumSegmentLength() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Tries to estimate the maximum segment length allowed for a geometry.
exportShapeFile() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Displays a dialog for exporting a Shape file.
exportSvgFile() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Displays a dialog for export the layers as a SVG file.


fillRegularDensityGrid(double[][], double, double, double, double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Fills a regular grid with the mean density.
finished() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
This method is called once the construct method has finished.


gaussianBlur() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
Performs au Gaussian blur on the density grid.
Geometry - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
Contains some static methods for geometrical computations.
Geometry() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Geometry
geometryToSvgPath(Geometry, Envelope, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Converts a Geometry into a SVG path sequence.
getAdvancedOptionsEnabled() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
getAdvancedOptionsEnabled() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns true if the advanced options for the cartogram computation are enabled.
getAmountOfDeformation() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the amount of deformation, an integer value between 0 (low deformation) and 100 (high deformation).
getAttributeAsDouble(Feature, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
getCancelButton() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the cancel button of the cartogram wizard.
getCartogram() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the cartogram computation process.
getCartogramAttributeName() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the cartogram attribute name.
getCartogramGridSizeInX() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the cartogram grid size in x direction.
getCartogramGridSizeInY() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the cartogram grid size in y direction.
getCartogramLayerName() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the name of the selected cartogram layer.
getCategoryName() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Returns the category name for our cartogram layers.
getColorAtIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
getComputationReport() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
getConstrainedDeformationLayerAtIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the constrained deformation layer at the given index.
getConstrainedDeformationLayers() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the list of constrained deformation layers.
getCreateGridLayer() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Says whether we should create a grid layer or not.
getCreateGridLayer() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the parameter for the creation of a deformation grid layer.
getCreateLegendLayer() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Says whether we should create a legend layer or not.
getDeformationGridSize() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the size of the deformation grid which can be created as an additional layer.
getDiffusionGridSize() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
getDiffusionGridSize() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
getDiffusionIterations() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
getDiffusionIterations() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
getGridLayerSize() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Returns the grid layer size.
getLegendValues() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
getLimitAtIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
getMaximumDensity() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the current maximum density value of the grid.
getMinimumDensity() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the current minimum density value of the grid.
getMissingValue() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
getNumberOfColors() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
getNumberOfLimits() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
getSimultaneousLayerAtIndex(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the simultaneous layer at a given index.
getSimultaneousLayers() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the list of simultaneous layers.
getWizardStepIconPanel() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Returns the wizard step icon panel.
getXCoordinates() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the x coordinates array.
getYCoordinates() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the y coordinates array.
goToFinishedPanel() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Shows the finished panel.
goToStep(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Switches the wizard to the given step.


handleThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Handles an exception.


initialize(Layer) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
intersectionOfSegments(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Geometry
Computes the intersection of two segments AB and CD.
IOManager - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The input/output manager reads and writes all the files for our application.
IOManager() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
isEnabled() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle


layerListPanel - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
This panel is needed by the LayerViewPanel for displaying the layers as a tree with the category names.
layerManager - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The layer manager from the JUMP project.
layerViewPanel - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The LayerViewPanel (pane displaying the maps) from the JUMP project.
longProgramName - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The program name including the version number.


MainMenu - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The main menu of the ScapeToad application.
MainMenu() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainMenu
The default constructor for the main menu.
mainWindow - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The application's main window.
MainWindow - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The main window of the ScapeToad application.
MainWindow() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
The default constructor for the main window.
mapPanel - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The map panels displays the maps.
maxValueForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Returns the maximum value for the given attribute.
mCartogramWizard - Variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
meanDensityError() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Returns the mean density error.
meanDensityWithAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the mean value for the given attribute weighted by the feature area.
meanValueForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Returns the mean value for the given attribute.
minValueForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Returns the minimum value for the given attribute.
mProgressEnd - Variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
mProgressStart - Variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
Attributes for the computation progress bar.
mProgressText - Variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner


newt2(double, double[], double, double, int, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner


openShapefile() - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Displays an open dialog and reads the shape file in.
originalCellIndexForCoordinateX(double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Converts the provided x coordinate into the grid's cell index.
originalCellIndexForCoordinateY(double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Converts the provided y coordinate into the grid's cell index.


paint(Feature, Graphics2D, Viewport) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
percentileForAttribute(Layer, String, int) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Returns the n-th percentile of the provided attribute.
prepareGridForConstrainedDeformation(Vector) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Prepares the original grid for a constrained deformation process.
produceComputationReport(Layer) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Creates the computation report and stores it in the object attribute.
projectCoordinates(Coordinate[]) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Projects a coordinate sequence using this grid.
projectFeatureWithGrid(Feature, CartogramGrid) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
Projects the provided Feature using the provided cartogram grid.
projectLayerWithGrid(Layer, CartogramGrid) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Projects a layer using a cartogram grid.
projectLineSegment(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Projects a line segment.
projectPoint(double, double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Projects one point using this grid.
projectPointAsCoordinate(double, double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Projects one point using this grid.


readShapefile(String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Reads the provided shape file and returns a Layer.
regularizeCoordinates(Coordinate[], double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
Regularizes a coordinate sequence.
regularizeGeometry(Geometry, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
Regularizes a geometry.
regularizeLayer(Layer, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Regularizes a layer.
replaceAttributeValue(Layer, String, double, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Replaces a double attribute value with another.


saveShapefile(FeatureCollection) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Shows a save dialog and writes the Shapefile out.
saveSvg(Layer[]) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Shows a save file dialog for exporting the layers into a SVG file.
scaleDensityValues(double, double) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Scales the density values given the minimum and maximum value.
setAdvancedOptionsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
setAdvancedOptionsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Defines whether the advances options should be taken into account.
setAmountOfDeformation(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Defines the amount of deformation.
setAmountOfDeformation(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Changes the amount of deformation.
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
setCartogram(Cartogram) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the cartogram computation process.
setCartogramAttributeName(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the cartogram attribute name.
setCartogramGridSizeInX(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Changes the cartogram grid size in x direction.
setCartogramGridSizeInY(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Changes the cartogram grid size in y direction.
setCartogramLayerName(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the cartogram layer name.
setColorAtIndex(BasicStyle, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
setComputationError(String, String, String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets a cartogram computation error message for the user.
setConstrainedDeformationLayerAtIndex(Layer, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the constrained deformation layer at the given index.
setConstrainedDeformationLayers(Vector) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Defines the layers which should not be deformed.
setConstrainedDeformationLayers(Vector) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the list of constrained deformation layers.
setCreateGridLayer(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Sets the flag for creating or not a grid layer.
setCreateGridLayer(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the parameter for the creation of a deformation grid layer.
setCreateLegendLayer(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Sets the flag which says whether to create a legend layer or not.
setDefaultStyle(BasicStyle) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
setDeformationGridSize(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the size of the deformation grid which can be created as an additional layer.
setDiffusionGridSize(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
setDiffusionGridSize(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
setDiffusionIteratations(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
setDiffusionIterations(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
setDoubleAttributeValue(Feature, String, double) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramFeature
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
setGridLayerSize(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Changes the size of the grid layer to produce.
setGridSize(int, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Defines the grid size in x and y dimensions.
setLayerManager(LayerManager) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Sets the layer manager.
setLegendValues(double[]) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
setLimitAtIndex(Double, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
setMasterAttribute(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Sets the name of the cartogram master attribute.
setMasterAttributeIsDensityValue(boolean) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Lets define us whether the master attribute is a density value or a population value.
setMasterLayer(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Sets the name of the cartogram master layer.
setMaximumRunningTime(int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Defines the maximum running time in seconds.
setMissingValue(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
setMissingValue(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
setSimultaneousLayerAtIndex(Layer, int) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the simultaneous layer at a given index.
setSimultaneousLayers(Vector) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Sets the list of simultaneous layers.
setSlaveLayers(Vector) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.Cartogram
Defines the layers to deform during the cartogram process.
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Displays a message indicating the status of current operations in the status bar.
shortProgramName - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The short program name.
sizeErrorLegend - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
SizeErrorLegend - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The size error legend window.
SizeErrorLegend() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorLegend
SizeErrorStyle - Class in ch.epfl.scapetoad
The SizeErrorStyle produces the thematic map based on the SizeError attribute.
SizeErrorStyle() - Constructor for class ch.epfl.scapetoad.SizeErrorStyle
snapLayer(Layer, double, Envelope) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Snaps all points of the layer to a grid with given cell size.
standardDeviationForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the standard deviation of the provided attribute.
sumForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the sum of the provided attribute.


totalArea(Layer) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the total area of all features in this layer.


update() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Updates the window content.
updateDensityValues() - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Updates the current density values.
updateRunningStatus(int, String, String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramWizard
Updates the progress bar and the progress labels during cartogram computation.


varianceForAttribute(Layer, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramLayer
Computes the variance of the provided attribute.


warnUser(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.MainWindow
Notifies the user in an alert box about a minor issue.
workBench - Static variable in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.AppContext
The JUMP workbench.
writeShapefile(FeatureCollection, String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Writes the provided Feature Collection into a Shape file.
writeSvg(Layer[], String) - Static method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.IOManager
Writes the provided layers into a SVG file.
writeToShapefile(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGastner
Writes the grid into the specified shape file.
writeToShapefile(String) - Method in class ch.epfl.scapetoad.CartogramGrid
Writes the grid into the specified shape file.